Colorado Wage & Overtime Disputes

Employers in Colorado are required to follow both the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the state Colorado Wage Act. These laws govern such things as the required minimum hourly wage, the required overtime wage, the duration of pay periods, appropriate payroll deductions, required pay statement information, payment of final wages, and much more. These laws can be very complex, however it is important that employers carefully follow these laws or they may risk facing a wage claim in court. Employees deserve to be paid for their work in accordance with the law, and if you believe your employer has violated wage and hour laws, you may have a valid case against them. The attorneys at our firm can help you with a wide variety of wage claims, including:

    • Not being paid deserved wages
    • Not being paid for “off-the-clock” work
    • Not receiving paychecks in a timely fashion
    • Receiving improper payroll deductions
    • Not being paid deserved overtime wages
    • Being misclassified as exempt or independent contractors by an employer to avoid adhering to labor laws

If you believe that you have been the victim of wage violations, you should seek legal representation as soon as possible. There are time limitations for wage claims in Colorado, so you should not delay in consulting with a Colorado employment law attorney regarding a possible case. We have handled countless successful wage claims and will fight to get you the compensation you deserve for the work you performed.

Attorney Dan Kalish on Colorado Wage/Overtime Laws


Contact a Colorado employment law attorney from the firm today. We are here to assist you.