Los Angeles Racial Discrimination

Race Discrimination in the Workplace

Most people would like to believe that our society has evolved to the point where racial discrimination is no longer a problem in places of employment. However, illegal discrimination based on an employee’s race still exists and may permeate an employee’s work experience. Sometimes, however, racial discrimination can be difficult to identify and employees may not even be aware that they are the victim of discrimination in employment decisions. Furthermore, sometimes employers may unintentionally discriminate by having certain practices or policies that have a disproportionate effect on employees of a certain race.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects all individuals from discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, and religion in employment relationships. The California Fair Employment and Housing Act provides additional protection against discrimination for Californians at the state level. Unlawful racial discrimination includes an employer denying opportunities to a certain employee based on race, perceived race, skin color, hair color, facial features, or based on an employee’s association with or marriage to a person of a particular race. In short, a person’s race or racial characteristics should have no bearing on employment decisions.

If you believe you have suffered unlawful racial discrimination in the workplace, contact a Los Angeles, California employment law attorney at HKM as soon as possible. We have over 40 years of combined experience with employment law and discrimination cases and are here to protect your rights to be free from unlawful discrimination.



How Race Discrimination Can Affect Employment in LA

Racial discrimination can potentially exist in almost every stage of employment. Any form of racial discrimination is unlawful regarding:

  • Advertising or solicitation of job applicants
  • Recruitment decisions
  • Hiring process
  • Job placement
  • Training programs
  • Apprenticeships
  • Classification of employees
  • Wage and benefits determinations
  • Decisions regarding promotions or job transfers
  • Employee discipline or termination

Racial discrimination could be as simple as providing one employee with superior benefits or wages than provided to an employee of a different race. Employers also may not withhold certain opportunities for advancement from employees of a certain race or promote less qualified employees simply because of their race. Racial discrimination is unacceptable and illegal whether or not your employer intentionally or unintentionally discriminates. If you believe you have been discriminated against or harassed at work based on your race, you should contact an experienced employment law attorney at our firm for a private consultation.

Contact a Los Angeles race discrimination attorney from our firm to review your claim and get legal representation.