Sexual Orientation Discrimination in the Workplace
Employees may suffer unlawful discrimination or harassment in the workplace for several different reasons. Employers should always ensure that their workplaces are free from all types of employment discrimination and harassment, both to comply with federal and state laws and to protect their employees. One type of unlawful behavior is discrimination or harassment based on an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
Discrimination is illegal if it is based on either an employee’s actual or perceived sexual orientation. In Los Angeles, if an employer perceives an employee to have a certain sexual orientation and refuses to hire, refuses to promote, or terminates that employee based on the perceived sexual orientation, the actions are against the law regardless of whether the employer’s perceptions were accurate. In short, sexual orientation should play no role in employment actions of any kind.
Federal law does not yet provide any protections against sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace, though some states do. California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act makes it unlawful to discriminate against an employee on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. If you believe you have been the victim of unlawful discrimination in Los Angeles, California, you should contact an LA employment law attorney at HKM as soon as possible. Employees have only a limited amount of time to file discrimination suits, so do not delay in scheduling a private consultation with one of our experienced attorneys.
Sexual Orientation Discrimination in California
Sadly, employees who suffer unlawful discrimination based on sexual orientation also commonly experience harassment or a hostile work environment due to their actual or perceived sexual orientation. Employees have the right to be free from such harassment and discrimination regardless of sexual orientation, and we can help you protect those rights.
The employment attorneys at HKM have extensive experience with sexual orientation discrimination claims. Our team of highly trained attorneys has almost 40 years of experience focused solely on employment law. Our team includes former judges, clerks, prosecutors, and lawyers who hail from some of the most prestigious law schools and firms across the United States. We are ready and able to provide the best possible representation for you in employment discrimination cases.
In cases of sexual orientation discrimination, contact a Los Angeles, California employment law attorney at HKM Employment Attorneys today to schedule a private consultation.