Sex Discrimination Lawyer in San Diego, CA

Every individual has a right to their gender identity, especially in the workplace. However, situations can arise where employees are treated unfairly due to their status as male or female.

Rest assured, California law and federal law prohibit discrimination based on a person’s sex and resulting medical conditions. You may have a valid discrimination case if you have experienced discrimination and/or sexual harassment based on:

  • Your status as a male or female
  • Childbirth
  • Breastfeeding
  • Pregnancy
  • Other sex-specific medical conditions

What Is Sex Discrimination?

Sex discrimination involves the unfair treatment of a particular gender and is considered an illegal business practice by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Sex discrimination occurs when an individual is treated differently or their civil rights are violated due to their gender. Some of the most common workplace scenarios that indicate gender discrimination are:

  • Denial of promotion into executive or management positions due to gender
  • Sexual harassment and other gendered behaviors that make employees feel unsafe or uncomfortable in the workplace
  • Targeting a specific gender for company layoffs
  • Hiring practices based on the assumption that certain jobs are better for a particular gender
  • Unequal pay for equal work
  • Denial of benefits or sick leave to pregnant employees or those with related medical conditions
  • Denial of pregnancy leave

Sexual Discrimination and LGBTQ

As in most states, LGBTQ rights are evolving rapidly in California. LGBTQ non-discrimination laws in California have been protecting people within the workplace through the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) and federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

If you feel you’ve been discriminated against due to your sexual orientation or sexual expression, contact our experienced attorneys for a free case evaluation. Not only will our San Diego office will review your case, examine all current employment laws in detail, and make sure your rights are being upheld, we will advise you regarding the specific protections offered to employees here in San Diego County.

Does HKM Handle Sex Discrimination Cases?

If you are a victim of sexual harassment, sexual orientation discrimination, and wrongful termination as a result of such treatment, our employment law attorneys can help. Our experienced discrimination attorneys can analyze your potential case and assist you in any next steps needed regarding paperwork, meetings, or even litigation.

We also provide legal advice in other workplace discrimination cases such as having to do with national origin or age discrimination. Call our law firm today for a consultation with an employment discrimination lawyer.