Whistleblower & Retaliation Lawyer in Phoenix, AZ

Whistleblowers have exposed many cases of wrongdoing. And while most whistleblowers don’t always appear on the news, they help hold individuals, corporations, and even government organizations accountable for their wrongdoings. However, most employers don’t always want to confront this revelation. They may retaliate against the whistleblower. But employers don’t have infinite power, and if you have faced workplace harassment or wrongful termination, seek legal advice from a whistleblower lawyer in Phoenix, Arizona.

Federal and Arizona Whistleblower Retaliation Laws

The federal government passed the Whistleblower Protection Act in 1989, which gives legal protection to those who call out to unsafe or illegal activities by employers. Also, there are whistleblower protection laws in Arizona under the Arizona Employment Protection Act. Here is more information on these laws:

Workplace discrimination or harassment laws

Arizona and federal laws prohibit your employer from firing you for making a complaint to the HR department or filing a whistleblower case with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) about discrimination or harassment. Your employer may not fire you because of participating in an investigation or for exercising your rights.

False Claims Act

Known as FCA, the False Claims Act encourages employees to report their employers in case they commit fraud against the government. For instance, you can report your employer for double-billing the government for services provided or selling defective products. The FCA has qui tam provisions, which prevent employers from retaliating.

Arizona Employment Protection Act

Apart from federal laws, Arizona law protects whistleblowers under the Arizona Employment Protection Act and the Arizona Civil Rights Act. These laws protect whistleblowers from employer retaliatory actions. They cover topics like workplace safety, future company plans that might be illegal, and reporting illegal use of pesticides that could endanger the public.

Doing the Right Thing Shouldn’t Cost You Your Job

Being a whistleblower puts your profession at risk. That’s why you want to be sure that you are protected against retaliation. Arizona state law and federal laws protect you against discrimination, reprisal, and harassment. They give you the right to assert whistleblower claims in case you suffer retaliation for reporting fraudulent or illegal activity.

Retaliation may occur when your employer demotes, threatens, suspends, harasses, intimidates, or subjects you to hostile working conditions after you bring issues to light. However, not all whistleblowing activities are protected. Your whistleblower protection rights will mainly depend on the laws that specifically apply to your case.

How Whistleblower Attorneys Can Help

Visit the employment law firm of HKM Employment Attorneys in Arizona to learn your whistleblower rights. Building a solid whistleblower retaliation case involves complex legal questions that our experienced whistleblower lawyers can handle. We handle cases from Mesa and Scottsdale to Tempe and Chandler. Contact us to schedule a consultation at our law offices.