Race Discrimination in the Workplace Video
Though race discrimination is not as prevalent as it once was throughout the United States, thousands of employees still suffer from unlawful discrimination in their places of work each year. Employees are regularly the victims of adverse employment decisions, harassment, or hostile work environments due to their race. Sometimes discrimination can be subtle and employees may not even realize that they were passed over for job opportunities due to their race. In other circumstances, employers may have policies that they believe are benign but that actually disservice or discriminate against members of a particular race. No matter what the circumstances are, racial discrimination in the workplace is against the law.
Both federal law Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Colorado’s Anti-Discrimination Act protect employees from racial discrimination. Such unlawful discrimination can be based on race, skin color, perceived race, facial features, or hair color. It is furthermore illegal to discriminate against someone because they marry, have a relationship, or otherwise associate with a person of another race. The bottom line is that race should never be considered when making employment decisions or judging an employee’s ability to do a certain job.
If you have been a victim of racial discrimination at work, you should contact a Colorado employment law attorney from our firm immediately. We have extensive experience with all types of discrimination claims and can help you protect your rights.
How Race Discrimination Can Affect Employment
According to federal and state laws, it is unlawful for an employer to:
- Advertise a job or solicit job applicants based on race
- Recruit only people of certain races for jobs
- Refuse to hire job applicants of a certain race or otherwise base hiring decisions on race
- Have training programs or requirements that unfairly affect employees of a certain race
- Make wage or benefit determinations based on race
- Base promotion or job transfer decisions on race of the candidates
- Discipline or terminate an employee based on their race
Any type of racial discrimination in the workplace is unacceptable. Though employers may give a seemingly valid reason for a hiring or firing decision, other evidence may point to race as a contributing factor.
Contact a Colorado race discrimination attorney from our firm to review your claim and get legal representation.