Sexual Harassment Lawyers in Chicago, IL

Sexual harassment is a highly important issue in the workplace. While it is only the high profile cases that are normally mentioned, sadly, many people undergo this type of harassment on a daily basis, especially in the workplace.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits sexual harassment and classifies it as a type of discrimination. In the workplace, sexual harassment can occur in two main ways, as a quid pro quo harassment or as a hostile work environment. Both cases warrant a lawsuit for fair compensation.

What is Sexual Harassment?

By definition, sexual harassment is any request for sexual favors or verbal/physical harassment of a sexual nature. It also includes inappropriate comments made towards someone based on their gender. Sexual harassment in the workplace can occur between male and female, male and male, or female-and-female.

What is Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

Quid pro quo refers to job decisions and responsibilities being assigned based on sexual favors. It most often occurs when a person in a senior position requests sexual favors from a junior employee in exchange for a raise, promotion, or any other job-related task.

What is a Hostile Work Environment

Sexual harassment in the state of Illinois can also occur when you have to endure a hostile work environment. For example, you may be subjected to heckling or lewd comments regarding your body or your sexuality. You may also be subjected to a workplace where your fellow employees often discuss potentially offensive sexual material (such as watching pornographic content at work). All these examples constitute a hostile work environment for which you may qualify you for compensation.

For a hostile work environment case to hold true, there must be an established pattern of behavior. While a single-comment or action may not always be enough to constitute a hostile work environment, a pattern of repeated behavior is sufficient grounds for sexual harassment.

Seeking Legal Help For Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment at work can cause emotional and psychological duress to employees. If you feel you’ve been a victim of sexual harassment, contact HKM Employment Attorneys. There are many laws that prohibit sexual harassment in Illinois, and each case of breaking such laws can warrant compensation.

You may have also suffered from lost wages and other damages from a sexual harassment case. Whichever the circumstances of your case, you can count on HKM to fight for the compensation you truly deserve.