Employment Blog

20 Things To Do If You Lose Your Job In Seattle

Whether you were laid off, fired, or quit, the reality is you are now jobless in Seattle. Odds are you were let go on a Friday, which means you have the weekend to grieve, celebrate, or both. Come Monday though you have to formulate a plan to find a new job and make the most of your suddenly ample free time. Although HKM Employment Attorneys cannot give you legal advice

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Getting the Worm: Why Being a Morning Person Matters and How to Do It

The early bird gets the worm. And possibly the promotion. A new study suggests that employees who start their day earlier when given start-time flexibility are given higher performance ratings. Flexible work schedules are rising in popularity. Companies like Google allow employees to set their own hours or work from home whenever they need to. Other companies set boundaries, like the ability to start any time between 9 a.m. and

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Top Female Exec at Anheuser-Busch Claims Discrimination

Anheuser-Busch products are a staple at American gatherings. Football games, barbeques, and fraternity socials aren’t complete without a cold one from America’s largest brewing company. But a former female executive at the company claims that she wasn’t invited to the party. Francine Katz spent 20 years an Anheuser-Busch employee, beginning as a corporate lawyer and rising to a vice president, key strategist and the company’s top female executive. But in

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