Cincinnati Wage and Overtime Attorneys

As an employee, you have the right to be paid fairly according to Ohio and federal wage and hour laws. Employers can intentionally or unintentionally engage in wage and hour violations in many ways. Over the years, thousands of Cincinnati employees have been denied the total and fair compensation they have earned.

Types of Wage and Hour Cases We Handle

At HKM Employment Attorneys, we have handled many wage and overtime cases, successfully obtaining compensation on behalf of our clients. Some of the most common types of wage and overtime violations engaged in by employers include the following:

  • Misclassifying workers as contractors instead of employees
  • Failing to record and report all the hours employees work to deny paying them fairly
  • Requiring an employee to work off the clock
  • Deducting pay without consent from the employee
  • Failing to pay tips to a tipped employee
  • Failing to pay overtime
  • Misclassifying an employee as exempt from overtime when they are non-exempt employees who are eligible for overtime pay
  • Requiring employees to pay for work-related items out of their paycheck by deducting the cost of the items

If you have experienced one of these types of wage violations, it is crucial that you speak to an attorney. If your employer has been withholding money from you, you could be entitled to hundreds or thousands of dollars and additional compensation through a legal claim.

Minimum Wage Violations in Ohio

The wage and hour violation attorneys at HKM Employment Attorneys have a proven track record of helping Ohio employees recover the compensation they are owed from their employers. We are dedicated to ensuring all Ohio employees are paid at least the minimum wage and receive all of the overtime, tips, and other benefits to which they are entitled.

We know how to stand up for victims of wage theft and hold employers accountable for failing to pay employees fairly. If you suspect that your employer has not been paying you fairly, it is crucial that you discuss your case with an attorney. Contact HKM Employment Attorneys to schedule a case evaluation and learn how we can advocate for you.

Cincinnati Unpaid Overtime Attorney

One of the most common types of wage in our violations is the failure of an employer to pay overtime correctly. Most hourly employees are entitled to be paid overtime when they work more than 40 hours during a seven-day work week. Under the law, the overtime rate of pay must be at least one and a half times the employee’s regular hourly rate.

There are some exemptions to this general rule related to job titles and job duties. However, many employers wrongly categorize employees as exempt from receiving overtime pay. If you suspect your employer has denied your overtime pay, consult with HKM Employment Attorneys. We can review your case and help you understand whether you are entitled to overtime pay and additional compensation.

Ohio’s Maximum Fair Wage Age

Ohio’s Minimum Fair Wage Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) protect employees’ right to overtime pay. Under the Minimum Fair Wage Act, Employees are entitled to overtime pay of time and a half for any hours worked beyond the regular 40 hours. Comp time is allowed for government employees. There is no mandatory overtime for working over eight hours per day. Additionally, there is no right to overtime pay when an employer or organization grosses less than $150,000 per year.

Overtime Pay Exemptions

Under Ohio and federal overtime laws, employees working as administrators, executives, professionals, and outside sales employees are exempt from overtime requirements. However, if your employer has classified you as in a category not entitled to overtime, that does not mean they are correct. Suppose you suspect you have been wrongly classified as a professional, executive, or administrator to avoid paying you overtime compensation. In that case, you should discuss your case with an attorney as soon as possible.

Cincinnati Tip Theft Attorneys

Many job positions in retail, travel, beauty, and food industries allow employees to accept customer tips. When employers withhold employee tips wrongly, they violate wage and hour laws. Some employers will even use an employee’s acquired tip money to justify paying the employee under the minimum wage. Both instances can be considered wage theft.

Additionally, suppose you are a tipped employee. In that case, you can earn overtime, and your employer must comply with strict rules regarding how to count your tips when calculating your overtime pay. If you suspect that your employer is wrongfully withholding tips or not calculating the tips you deserve correctly, it is crucial that you discuss your case with an attorney.

Making Illegal Deductions

Employers can make certain types of deductions from employees’ paychecks, such as for tax purposes or health benefits. Employers can deduct the cost of an employee’s uniforms in limited circumstances. However, employers can illegally deduct an employee’s paycheck for their own benefit in many ways. If your employer has been deducting money from your paycheck for work products, gas, or any other expense that you are not responsible for paying, it is essential that you talk to an attorney.

Schedule a Free Case Evaluation With a Cincinnati Attorney

At HKM Employment Attorneys, our Cincinnati wage and overtime attorneys are ready to listen to the facts of your case and help you understand your legal options. Federal and state wage and hour laws and regulations are complex and challenging to understand. We can help you understand which law or laws your employer may have violated and how much your case may be worth.

We can also answer any questions you have. If you are concerned about your employer retaliating against you for pursuing a wage and hour claim, we can help protect your rights against retaliation. Do not delay. Contact HKM Employment Attorneys today to schedule a free case evaluation.