Sex Discrimination Lawyer in Atlanta, GA

Sex discrimination is illegal in the workplace. Sex discrimination is interchangeable with gender discrimination. It means discriminating a person based on gender despite having the necessary skills to perform a job. Sex discrimination affects both men and women in the workplace, but women are more affected. Even with new laws that prohibit discrimination during hiring, firing, promotion, and benefits, it still happens. There are several aspects the sex discrimination affects.

Under federal law, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes sex discrimination illegal in all states. The Civil Rights Act is enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which also enforces the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, and other employment laws.

Under the Georgia Fair Employment Practices Act, sex discrimination in the workplace is illegal. The law only applies to public employers with 15 or more employees.

Equal pay

There are still many cases where women with the same skills and qualifications or higher get lower wages in comparison to their male counterparts. Under the Equal Pay Act, it is illegal to get paid less than male employees who hold the same position as you. The employer must ensure that all employees in the same job grade get the same salary and benefits.

Equal opportunities

Male employees are likely to get a promotion with fewer qualifications than female employees in white-collar jobs. If you are watching men get a top job you’ve applied for severally, it may be time to involve your employment lawyer. Men face sex discrimination during hiring in businesses offering feminine products like cosmetics stores, salons or daycare.

Family and Medical matters

Women are more likely to get a demotion when they don’t do overtime after childbirth. It is unfair since the female worker has a duty of taking care of the newborn. On the other hand, male employees may cut back overtime hours to attend to family matters without any reprimand. Some companies advertise the jobs of female workers as soon as they leave for maternity leave. The Family and Medical Leave Act gives women 12 weeks of maternity leave without facing pregnancy discrimination, being terminated or demoted. Also, some organizations do not give married women medical coverage under the assumption that women get medical coverage under the husband’s medical cover. However, women should enjoy the same benefits that men in the same position enjoy.

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment comes in many forms in the workplace from unwanted advances to sexual comments towards employees. Unwelcome sexual advances towards male and female employee can reduce the morale of employees. The consequences of turning down unwanted sexual advances from senior staff can lead to wrongful termination or workplace discrimination. Older employees who had sexual advances rejected can block the career advancement of that specific employee.

The law firm HKM Employment Attorneys has a team of discrimination attorneys who handle workplace discrimination cases in Atlanta, Georgia. You can bring your employment discrimination case based on sexual orientation. The state law forbids harassment of gays, lesbians, and transgender individuals based on their sexual orientation. You can seek legal counsel to find out the best way to deal with sex discrimination.

HKM Employment Attorneys will fight for your civil rights and ensure you get equal treatment from your employer. Feel free to contact our offices and schedule an appointment with expert sex discrimination attorneys.