Racial Discrimination Lawyer in Phoenix, AZ

According to the Civil Rights Act and the Arizona Civil Rights Act, racial discrimination results in hiring, firing, promotion, disciplinary action, benefit distribution, job training, and other conditions of employment based on race or ethnicity. Even in this day and age, race-based employment discrimination still exists and can be a real issue. In some instances, it is easy to spot a hostile work environment. Sometimes it is not so easy.

Examples of racial discrimination at the workplace:

  • Co-workers resort to race-based innuendo and jokes when talking to you
  • When members of a race consistently get promoted even when less qualified than others
  • When members of a race get hired despite other applicants being equally or more qualified than others
  • If your salary is less than others who have been with the company for less time
  • When employees of a specific race consistently get reprimanded or fired at a higher rate than others

National origin discrimination and religious discrimination share characteristics of racial discrimination, but aren’t the same.

What to Do When You Have Been Discriminated Against

Identifying employment discrimination can be difficult and tricky. This is why you may need professional help of discrimination lawyers. The legal issues surrounding employment law are complex. This is because it is not difficult for employers to feign innocence, even when their motive is to foster a discriminatory work environment. At any rate, it never hurts to talk to a discrimination lawyer and discuss your options. Sometimes, employers can change their attitude if they catch wind that you are talking to a discrimination attorney.

What Can an Employment Law Attorney Do?

When you discuss matters with a discrimination attorney, he or she will decide if you have a viable case against your employer. Once they give the green light, there are several areas they’ll examine for employment discrimination. These include but are not limited to:

  • Patterns: A common circumstance for race discrimination is hiring practices. Attorneys will look for patterns on how the business employs people. If there is a strong bias towards a certain race, then this can be very useful to build a case.
  • Interviews: A tactic of lawyers is to interview the management of the company, and other employees, under oath.
  • Records: Once permission is granted, lawyers will be able to look at employment records that do not justify termination of your employment.

Why Employment Law is Necessary

Employment law is required to keep companies and businesses accountable for their actions and ensure fair play. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was set up to ensure that. Whether you work in Phoenix, Mesa, Scottsdale, or Tempe, Arizona, then consider the law firm of HKM Employment Attorneys. If you feel that you experienced racial workplace discrimination, contact us today to explore your options surrounding a discrimination claim.