Anytime men and women spend time together, there is the chance that sexual harassment may occur. This is especially true when co-workers spend hours together each day in the workplace. There are many different kinds of sexual harassment and the harasser and victim may be of either sex. Such harassment is considered to be a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as Nevada state law. These laws provide victims of sexual harassment with the right to seek legal redress from their employers.
Sexual harassment claims are often complex, as harassers will rarely admit to the behavior and employers often aggressively defend against such allegations to protect their reputations. It is important for victims to seek assistance from an experience sexual harassment attorney as soon as possible after the harassment occurs. Please call HKM Employment Attorneys in Las Vegas for more information today.
Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment
There are two different types of sexual harassment defined by law and one type is called “quid pro quo” harassment. Quid pro quo harassment happens when a supervisor or person with authority at work requests sexual favors and makes terms of employment conditional to agreeing to the sexual activity. Some examples may include:
- A manager promises to hire or promote an individual who engages in sexual activity;
- A supervisor or executive threatens to fire an employee for refusing a date or a sexual encounter;
- An authority figure insinuates in any other way that a job is conditional upon sexual favors.
If you have been the victim of quid pro quo sexual harassment, your employer should automatically be held liable for the emotional harm you suffered, any wages you lost if you had to leave your job, and other losses you incurred as a result.
Hostile Work Environment
The other type of sexual harassment occurs when offensive behavior creates a hostile work environment for an employee. While one sexual joke or comment may not rise to the level of harassment under the law, behavior that is pervasive or offensive enough can create a hostile work environment and will give you the right to take legal action. If you complain of a hostile work environment and your employer fails to rectify the situation immediately, they should be held liable for your losses.
Contact a Dedicated Las Vegas Sexual Harassment Attorney for Help
At HKM Employment Attorneys in Las Vegas, we have seen firsthand the financial and emotional harm that sexual harassment at work can cause you. The effects of sexual harassment can be long-lasting and your employer should always be held fully accountable for the damage caused. We keep all information confidential and will work to protect both your legal rights and reputation. We will guide you through each and every step of the legal process and ensure your interests are protected. If you would like to discuss a possible claim, please call our office at 702-625-3893 or contact us online today.
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