If your employer asks you to sign an employment contract, you should always take the matter seriously. This is because the terms of any agreement you sign will be legally binding on both you and your employer for the length of contract. You want to ensure that the terms of your contract are favorable, that they protect your rights, and that they do not place legally unreasonable restrictions on your actions.

Even if you did not formally sign an employment contract, you should know that employee handbooks and other policy documents may serve as a contract of sorts. For example, if the handbook states that you will get paid for a certain number of sick days, your employer is bound to pay you the amount you deserve. Therefore, you should always be aware of your employer’s handbook policies as those policies may be legally enforced.

Unfortunately, not everyone abides by the terms of employment contracts – both employers and employees alike. While some matters may be resolved through discussions between the parties, others are more serious and breach of contract allegations may arise. If you believe that you may be facing a breach of contract dispute, it is imperative to discuss your situation with a highly skilled employment contracts lawyer in Nevada today.

If Your Employer Breached Your Contract

The ways an employer may breach a contract depend on the specific terms of your contract. Some common breaches by an employer include the following:

  • Failing to provide full compensation as stated in the contract;
  • Denying benefits promised;
  • Denying agreed-upon holiday, sick, travel, or expense pay;
  • Straying from the described job duties or scope of employment;
  • Modifying the terms of the contract without your approval;
  • Terminating your employment for an invalid reason.

Employees who have lost wages or benefits as a result of a breach of contract have the right to seek the compensation they deserve.

Wage Claims Video



If You are Accused of Breaching the Employment Contract

Employees are also bound to the terms of a contract and can face liability if they are found to have committed a breach. Some allegations employees may face include:

  • Resigning early without valid cause or for new employment;
  • Going to work for a competitor within a certain period of time;
  • Disclosing confidential information about the employer.

It is important to successfully defend against any allegations to avoid potentially costly penalties.

Call Our Las Vegas Breach of Contract Employment Lawyers For Help

You have a lot to lose whether your employer has breached your contract or has accused you of a breach. In order to obtain the most favorable result possible in your contract dispute, you want a highly experienced Nevada employment contracts attorney on your side. At HKM Employment Attorneys, we will evaluate your situation, advise you of your legal options, and guide you through the entire process. We are committed to standing up for the rights of employees in and around Las Vegas, so please call us today at 702-625-3893 or contact us online to learn more about how we can assist you.