Religious Discrimination Lawyer in Indianapolis, IN

It is against federal law and Indiana state law for an employer to discriminate against an employee’s religious beliefs. An employer must permit employees to engage in their religious practices and beliefs at work and grant them the same civil rights as their coworkers. Our religious discrimination attorneys understand that your faith may be an essential part of your life. We are prepared to defend your right to practice.

What Is Religious Belief Discrimination?

Religious discrimination is when an employer mistreats an employee because of their religious beliefs. Religious beliefs can extend from traditional organized religions such as Catholicism or Islam, or translate into personal ethical and moral beliefs.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on specific characteristics such as national origin, sexual orientation, race, color, and religion.

Indiana has also enacted an additional law that goes further to guarantee religious belief rights. Passed in 2015, The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) protects everyone’s rights, regardless of their religious affiliation.

What Are Examples of Religious Belief Discrimination?

In the workplace, religious-based discrimination can involve wrongful termination, hiring or firing decisions, and other types of employment discrimination due to a person’s religion. Segregation is also a serious problem when employers deny employees the opportunity to wear religious dress or fail to accommodate religious observances, practices, and holidays.

If an employee requests religious accommodation from their employer, the employer must make reasonable accommodations to comply.

To support religious freedoms and civil rights, employers may not treat employees or applicants less favorably based on their religious beliefs or practices. For instance, an employer cannot refuse to hire someone, enact stricter job performance standards, or set additional promotion requirements because of religious beliefs or practices.

What Should You Do If You Experience Religious Discrimination?

Unfortunately, even with state laws passed to protect employees, discrimination cases persist in Indianapolis. If you believe you have been discriminated against based on your religious practices, sexual orientation, and feel like you are working in a hostile work environment, contact our Indianapolis law offices for a consultation.

Our workplace discrimination lawyers have years of experience and will assist with any religious discrimination-related legal issues you may be experiencing. Our team will help with legal advice on your discrimination claim as enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). At HKM Employment Attorneys LLP, our experienced attorneys will work hard to build a strong attorney-client relationship with you and make sure you are treated fairly at your workplace.

Contact our religious discrimination attorneys today to learn more about our practice areas.