Tell UPS that it needs to respect religious liberty in the workplace!
Kaon-Jabbar East El is of Moorish descent and he practices the religion of Islamism. The religion of Islamism prohibits a practitioner from identifying one’s race as a color.
Unfortunately, when Mr. East El started working at UPS, he was required to identify his race in the employment application before being allowed to return to the UPS employee orientation. But, as his religion dictates, Mr. East El did not associate his ethnicity with any of the options in the employment application, and no option for “other” or “decline to state” existed. To retain his job, he reluctantly checked the box “white,” although this made him very uncomfortable. He informed UPS about his racial identification concerns and how this compromised his religious beliefs, but UPS would hear none of it. Instead, the Company retaliated against him for expressing his concerns about the racial identification requirements. Immediately after expressing his concerns, UPS did not provide Mr. East El any shifts. As a result of this retaliation and discrimination, Mr. East El had no choice but to resign to find meaningful employment. UPS discriminated and retaliated against Mr. East El. This is not right. This is not fair.
Please sign the petition if you support Mr. East El.